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How do people get rich from stock markets?

Everyone wants to earn money from the share market  and wants to become rich quickly,
And we Indians are not the exception to this rule. This is the only minded passion that motivates lakhs of people in the country to invest in the stock market every year.

After buying gold, investing hard money in the purchase and sale of listed stocks on the stock market is a quick recipe for millions of people looking for quick money.

However, with any kind of investment, there are several risks in trying to earn money from equity.
In those days when stock prices fall without warning, you can lose the pile of money within minutes.
But on Flip side, if you are a careful investor who follow all of Dos and Don to invest in the stock market - this is the best way to make quick money for you.

So if you are thinking already - how can I invest in the stock market and be rich in myself? do not worry; We've covered it.

Share Bazar: - How to invest in the stock market in India
Here is a simple guide to "How to invest in the stock market" with all the necessary tips, to help you start your journey as a stock market investor in India.

I. Things You Need to Invest in the Stock Market

1. Pan Card
2. Find the Broker
3. Open a Demat / Trading Account
4. Choose a depository
5. Obtain a UIN number

How to Buy and Sell Shares

1. How to buy shares
After identifying the stocks you want to buy - you have to immediately inform your broker, which includes the price and quantity you want to buy.

2. How to Sell the Stock
The same process cost when selling shares
For example, you want to sell 10 shares of company Z for the price of 150 rupees per share.
Your broker will process your sales order when the cost of that particular share will reach US $ 150 / per share.

The point of note here is that the buy or sell order remains valid only for a fixed term - usually for 24-48 hours. If the transaction is not processed within this time frame for any reason, then the order is canceled, and you have to issue a new order.

Share Market Tips and recommendations Follow Market Captains .


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